The Energy Enhancement System™ (EESystem™) generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels.

EESystem’s are installed based on multiples of 4, starting at a minimum of 4-units. The technology couples and exponentially gains field density and effectiveness with each additional set of units after the first 4.

EEsystem Bio-Scalar Technology has been extensively researched for 20 years by a professional lineup of medical, alternative, and integrative doctors and bio/quantum physicists.

ISEE infynergy

Artificial environmental influences and signals, from our research, invariably contain active energy codes, many of which, we find, are degenerative to the human condition. The ISEE innovations are designed to create a space, and living environment, where degenerative structured codes are repurposed to generative, life supporting ones.

The human form should thrive in a natural, symbiotic connection with the natural earth’s fields. In modern living, this is often greatly diminished.The ISEE innovations are designed to assists in both maintaining and strengthening this connection, regardless of where you live.

You can use ISEE Charge anywhere and share with friends, while Harmonizing up to five devices simultaneously…

Very few people on this planet go through their day without using a device, be that a phone, a laptop or another battery operated technology. Such devices are now such a prolific part of peoples lives that most might consider a day without using them difficult. We believe it is important to be able to use such technologies in a harmonized state. The ISEE Charge was designed and developed to do just that, in away that allows you to use such technologies without having to attach or apply anything directly to, or on, your devices. This method, while also allowing huge versatility and multiple device charging, additionally prevents loss of function, such asaccidentally dropping the device, which may result in an external solution’s permanent damage.

ISEE products discount code “DQ5”

innovative ET guided healing technologies

ISEE Motion

ISEE Vitality

ISEE Water

ISEE Charge

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White abstract geometric artwork from Dresden, Germany